HSMAI Region Europe partners new initiative: The Hospitable Cities

In London on Friday 7 April 2017 EP (Entrepreneurs Innovation Centre (EP-IC) and eHotelier are welcoming leaders to share their experiences and thoughts on the factors that create an hospitable destination.
The aim of the day is to create an interactive forum to debate and discuss how cities can change and the role that hospitality can play in that change.
More and more people are traveling globally and cities are facing challenges. Therefore the way cities address these challenges evolve, and how they welcome their visitors is becoming increasingly important.
Hospitality has a central role to play in the economies and success of cities – so how can we work together to offer the best levels of service against this difficult backdrop.
There is real change in the air and there are many cities and countries working on new methods and ways of improving both tourism and the way they interact with visitors.
The summit is for real change in hospitality and to explore what we need to do for the future.
The event will be hosted at Nomura Bank in the City of London and broadcasted live to over 20 hotel schools around the world. HSMAI Region Europe now becomes a partner for the new initiative, The Hospitable Cities. At this same event HSMAI will for the first time hand out the European Service Awards.
The event is limited to 250 senior industry stakeholders from the four key sectors of destinations, operators, suppliers and educators.
The event format will be highly interactive through engaging international keynote speakers, facilitated leadership workshops, networking sessions and leadership panel sessions, to create genuine areas of discussion and material, actionable insights.
Speakers have been selected specifically, based on their leadership influence on destination management around the world, including Africa, London itself, Europe, Dubai, Canada and Australia.
We are delighted to welcome students from International Hotel Schools to present their thoughts and ideas on the day as well as students from 20 invited schools via a live video feed.
The updated programme will be uploaded soon.
Photo: The Hospitable Cities 2017, to be held i London on 7 April. Digital photo processing: Jarle Petterson/HSMAI.